Hololens Application Sharing Conference (10 August 2019)

news/2025/2/27 12:35:26

On August 10, 2019, I was invited to attend the exhibition of Microsoft products in Fujian education field. At the exhibition, I gave a demonstration of MR related equipment and showed how to use MR equipment in front-line teaching.




当Forms表单遇到Power BI

Office 365中的Forms已经是我们日程教学中必不可少的工具了,它的操作简单,灵活包括快速进行反馈已经征服了很多老师,它的后台会提供相应的成绩单,以及简单的数据分析来帮助老师进行快速的学情分析。 如果我们的老师在分析学生的…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 获取request里的所有参数及参数名(参数名自动获取) - [ Java ]request里有两个方法 request.getParameterMap(); request.getParameterNames(); 我想用这两种方法获取。 //1.用request.getParam…


1、主键自增实现方法:http://www.cnblogs.com/Donnnnnn/p/5959871.html 2、for循环往Oracle中插入n条数据 BEGIN for i in 1..50 loop insert into S_Depart(departId,Departname,Departorder)values(S_S_Depart.Nextval,wang,1); end loop; end; 上面循环了50次 执…

The breakthrough of teaching and learning in office 365 cloud teaching the 6th China Education

On December 5, the main forum of the Sixth China Education Innovation annual conference was opened, and thousands of educators entered the “shitoutang school” which had only three days to start their study. There are 16 guests making keynote speeches, mo…

利用 Composer 一步一步构建自己的 PHP 框架(三)——设计 MVC

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 利用 Composer 一步一步构建自己的 PHP 框架(三)——设计 MVC 终于可以 “一次编写,到处发布” 了,泪流满面! 今天凌晨我从一点多开始搞了四个小时到 5:20&…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 方法&#xff1a;动态数组ArrayList<String>结束字符判断 public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("请输入测试数据,输入end结束:");//输出提示语句Scanner sc new Scanner(Syste…

Application sharing meeting of office 365 in education and teaching (April 16, 2019)

On April 16, 2019, I was invited to do the office 365 teaching application sharing meeting for the informatization personnel of Nanjing basic education, where I shared the scenes of my daily teaching and work with office 365.

21个高质量的Swift开源iOS App

对Swift初学者来说&#xff0c;学习开源项目&#xff0c;阅读源码是个不错的方法。在这篇文章中&#xff0c;基于对代码质量和排名的考量标准&#xff0c;Mybridge AI从900个用Swift编写的开源APP中甄选了21个项目推荐给开发者&#xff08;不包括开源库&#xff09;。 No.1 [Of…